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Where does live chat perform best?

Naomi Campbell • Jun 08, 2020

Should you add live chat to every website page ?

Your homepage probably gets the most traffic, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right place to add live chat.

Most companies start by placing chat on the bottom-of-the-funnel conversion pages. For example:
  • High-intent web pages
  • High-traffic web pages
  • High-intent (Negative) web pages
  • Blog article pages

The 4 types of pages in your armour:

Best page positions for chat

1. High intent pages

High-intent pages are those that indicate your visitors may have an appetite and need to work with you / purchase services. 

Examples of these pages include; pricing pages, services pages, or bottom-of-the-funnel landing pages. A good rule of thumb is if you’d add it to your lead scoring model, it’s probably a high-intent page.

High-intent pages are the best for conversational marketing because, at this point in a visitor’s buyer’s journey, they often have very specific and personal questions like:

• “Which pricing model or service is best for me?”

• “I have a problem with X. Can you help solve it?”

These are great opportunities to deploy a chat and start that personalized conversation. 

Using chat in these scenarios lets you ask some qualifying questions that route the conversation in the best way to build genuine trust and buy-in.

Here’s an example: Read about the xx on our xxx page.  

The placement objective is to help answer questions that people typically ask while on that page and to get them connected with your team. 

High traffic web pages offer valuable intel for chat placement

2. High-traffic pages

If you want to learn quickly how to communicate with conversational marketing, putting a chat service on your high traffic pages can be a great first step. It’s really hard to learn what to prompt when, if no one is chatting with you. 

Highly trafficked pages come in a myriad of types depending on the business. Homepages, blogs, and articles are quite common, just to name a few. 

Not only does chatting here give you the opportunity to add value to as many people as possible, but you also gain valuable feedback on what is and what isn’t working. 

To illustrate, let’s assume your homepage is one of them.  On your homepage, chat can help people understand who you are, how you can help them, and what they can do next. It can also help you simplify the conversion path for people who want to speak to someone from your team right then and there. 

Turn the negative to positive through chat

3. High-intent (Negative) pages

A less obvious choice for most...

We spoke about high-intent pages above, but what happens when the intent is negative like an email unsubscribe page or a cancel subscription page.

Your visitors are there because something is wrong. Conversational marketing through a chat service is your opportunity to help turn things around.

A chat service there allows you to not only understand why people want to disengage, but also give you an opportunity to let people voice their frustrations. 

Education through chat builds trust

4. Blogs

The goal here is to build upon the content of an article.  For example, if you’re interested in a topic and want to ask advice doesn’t it make sense to ask in real-time. Would you do so if the option was there?  

When it comes to putting live chat on educational content, it’s all about empowering people to learn better, understand more and apply more. The result will be a visitor that trusts you more and tells the world!

Start with your user's head on your shoulders. Keep their experience in mind.  Start small and test often!

Will B2B web chat gain momentum in 2020?

Three quarters of website visitors select live chat as their preferred communication method, and 42% expect to see it on their favourite brands’ sites.

Millennials famously prefer live chat to other forms of communication and 9 out of 10 customers cite the importance of immediate responses.

Current on-line behaviour trends point to an increasing need for live B2B chat in the future. And technology roadmaps suggest there’ll be an even greater demand in 2021, when phone systems redirect callers to SMS support with greater frequency and efficiency; this effectively turns a B2B voice call to an organisation into a live chat. 

Consensus in the marketplace is that if you can start now and get really good, then you’ll have a competitive advantage with web chat services

Read more advice on optimised chat for corporate brands.

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